
Jul 8, 2023

Adventures with Bossy: Swimming and a Movie

Yesterday was a crazy day! Beauty and The Beast asked me to watch their boys for the evening so they could go to a party, and of course I said yes. Then I immediately called my "party planner." Bossy has been my adventuring companion since she was a kid. She loves doing all the fun and different things that my sweetie is not always so excited about, so I knew she could help me plan an evening babysitting.

First, we decided to take the boys swimming, but I didn't remember to have Beauty pack swimsuits for the boys. That didn't matter. Bossy had a plethora of boys swimsuits in various sizes. It wasn't long before we had them dressed and ready to go. Our rec center pool has been closed all summer, so we drove to Herriman where they have an amazing pool with plenty of slides and stuff for the kids.

We played in the water and had a great time for over an hour (Baby Carnitas is an amazing swimmer!) before we made our way back to the house and a delicious soup that my sweetie had put together while we played (I know, I married a good one!).

Then we packed the car for the Movie in the Park. It just happened to be my favorite movie, Apollo 13. I knew that Beauty and The Beast would have to pick up the boys at the park instead of the house, but that would work out just fine.

We bought popcorn and licorice from the $1 Concessions booth and Bossy's boys had fun at the Clark Planetarium booth. Scout even joined us after she got off work (just in time for the movie to start).

To top off the fun, we had a lady sit next to us with two tiny pups and she even let Baby Doll and I hold them. Sorry, no pics because it was too dark.

The movie ended about 11:30. It was late, but worth it. Thanks, Bossy, for another amazing adventure. 

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