
Jul 13, 2023

Moses's Tabernacle

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a traveling tabernacle and for the next couple of weeks, it is right in the back field of our stake center.

Curly and Baby Doll were volunteers on Wednesday, so as soon as my sweetie picked up Drama Queen and Teach and her family from the airport, we gave them a minute to relax and then we headed over to see the tabernacle.

It  was amazing, but it was so hot!

It was all so authentic, at least as authentic as it can be.

Curly worked in the facsimile of the Holy of Holies, near the Ark of the Covenant. 

Baby Doll was in the nursery. She got to talk about the skins that covered the ancient tabernacle.

Everyone should visit this exhibition! It really is amazing.

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