
Jul 17, 2023

Family Reunion Campout

Sorry, I have been out of touch for a few days because we didn't have any service at our Family Reunion Campout. You already know that Teach and Twiz and Drama Queen family are here from New Jersey. We also had Princess and The Frog and their kiddos, Beauty and her boys, and Bossy and Gamer and some of their kids. From home we had Dog Walker, Crafty, Scout, Curly, and Baby Doll. All in all, we had about 30 of our descendants. Hopefully, it will just keep getting bigger!

We didn't do any formal pics, but I have tons for you. We played games and we all helped with meal prep and cleanup. Each family was assigned a meal and that helped a ton. We also had a birthday party for Skittles, who turned 5 today (thinking I might save those pics for tomorrow).

We all helped Curly tie a baby quilt as part of his Eagle project.

We did it! My sweetie and I slept 2 nights in a tent! It made us ache and moan, but not so the kids could really hear us. 

For our meal, we made dutch oven chicken stew and peach cobbler. 

We tried to watch a movie on our inflatable screen  the first night, but we couldn't get it to work, so my sweetie ran back into town on Saturday and bought a new DVD player so we could  get it to work. We watched The Three Amigos. It was so fun with the kids who had never seen it.

This morning, we got up and we had to break camp by 10:00, so we all rushed home and we got ready for church by running everyone through the showers super fast. Bossy's family had missed their ward, so they showed up at ours. We filled the entire two front rows of the church!

I am exhausted. Putting it all away is almost as hard as packing the van. Thanks for sticking with me.

It was a good weekend.

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