
Sep 1, 2022

Taco's Eagle Project

I'm glad we are finally home from the trip! I have so many other things to tell you about. Probably the biggest one that took the most of my time was Taco's Eagle Project.

If you remember, he decided to make 7 twin-sized quilts to donate to the Humanitarian Center in Salt Lake City. We had our church reserved on August 26 to make that happen.

I pieced 4 of the tops, Scout did one, Princess did one, and Taco pieced one. Princess did this cute Christmas one.

Bossy and I showed up at the church just before noon so we could get quilts on frames before kids came to help after school. We had enough frames to set up three at a time. My girl scouts had already tied one, so we only had to do two on each frame.

We didn’t have great attendance, but we had a lot of fun!

Bossy and Crafty danced around to blow off a little steam. Finally, we were finished!!

I got home just after 10:00pm and all I wanted to do was fall into bed.  It was a good but very long day.

Nice work, Taco!!

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