
Aug 30, 2022

Traveling Together - Running Home

We got up just after 5:00 AM  loaded the van, and headed for the Girls House. Thankfully, Crafty and Baby Doll were ready to go. We gave quick hugs all around and climbed back in the van. Baby Doll had volleyball tryouts at 6:00 PM and we didn't have much time to spare.

My sweetie was a trooper. We stopped once for breakfast and again for gas. But mostly we were just flying. It was an 8-hour drive with optimum traffic.

Not to be anticlimactic, but we dropped the boys at home in Utah county and we still arrived home just before 5:00 PM.

For the record, Baby Doll made the Bingham White Jr High team as a 6th grader. Games start next week. So proud of this cute girl!!

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