
Aug 20, 2022

Summer is Almost Over: Adventure #)

Wednesday was Little Warrior's 5th birthday and all he wanted to do was go to Lagoon with his "best friends." Good thing his best friends are family members....

We got there early, not long after the park opened. It was Scout's first day of school, so just Curly, Baby Doll, Crafty and I met up with Beauty and her boys and Bossy and her two littles.

We had a great time!! Curly, Bossy, and I stayed with the littles in the kiddie rides while the others had fun on some of the bigger ones. 

When we were tired and hungry, we made our way to the Biergarten for lunch.

Little Warrior was treated to a giant fruit bowl and everyone in the room sang Happy Birthday with us.

Another great day!

Where are we off to next?

1 comment:

  1. It does look like another great day! I loved the photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
