
Aug 22, 2022

1st Game of the Season

The summer still isn't over yet, but I just have to show you some pics from Curly's first Freshman football game. He is #66.

His game was the same day as Little Warrior's birthday party at Lagoon and he had to be at the high school by 3:45 to catch the bus. That gave me a couple of hours to cool off, but by the time we got to the game at 6:00, I was still overheated.

We finally made the trek around the field to use the restroom. The shade felt so good that I convinced my sweetie we needed to buy a hot dog so we would have an excuse to stay in the shade.

Then I suggested we just sit on the Cyprus side, but he reminded me that I was wearing my favorite Bingham Miners football shirt.

I looked down... then I had a briliant idea... but first I had to go back into the restroom.

I stepped into the stall, pulled off my shirt, turned it inside out, and put it back on. As I rejoined my sweetie, he took one look, gave a slight nod, and then followed me to the shady Cyprus bleachers. 

Then we quietly watched our boys squash the Pirates 34-0.

(whispers) Go miners!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it looks like a great game. I loved your switch of clothes so you could be in the shade. I hate facing the fun at a game.
    Hugs for all!
