
Jan 5, 2022


I wanted to tell you about some fun random stuff left over from the last couple of weeks. Remember when we went to the Museum of Art at BYU for Christmas Adam? We dropped some money there in the museum store because all of their Christmas stuff was half off. We bought a cute 500-piece puzzle for Grandpa, but it turned out to be much harder than we expected. Instead of finishing it on Christmas Day, it took us until New Year's Day!
Those are Grandpa's nice white socks, btw. 

Beauty and The Beast let us keep their boys for a sleepover on their anniversary which was December 30. It also happened to be a night that is snowed 8 inches!! My sweetie took all the boys sledding...

They loved it! We also played lots of games. Curly doesn't like to lose...

And we had lots of fun talking with our missionaries. 
Yes, we CAN do a group chat if we plan it well.

I have a couple of other things, but I guess they can wait until tomorrow. I got my COVID booster today so I should probably get some rest. I even played a little basketball! Don't get too excited for me, it was only half court. Someday, maybe...

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your random activities. It all look fun.
    Blessings and hugs!
