
Jan 6, 2022

My Sweetie's Siblings

My sweetie came from a big family too. Not quite as big as ours, but he had 5 brothers and sisters and then a brother and sister from his dad's previous marriage. That gave him 7 siblings total, just like me. Except for COVID, my family has gotten together every year at Christmas for the last 20 or so years. My sweetie used to have his family get together as well, but then it fell apart and they rarely get together unless it is a funeral or a wedding. That is why it was quite a surprise when they started chatting online. This eventually led to a proposed get-together that included 4 of his 5 siblings (one lives out of state) who grew up together. 

They picked a date and time, but we were hesitant because we had already committed to feed our local missionaries that day. Then my sweetie proposed a menu that would work and his siblings moved the luncheon up until 1:30 just so we/he could be there. 

It was fun to visit and get caught up. All of our kids are so grown up now. Baby Doll is the youngest of all the grandchildren and Bossy is only a year or two from being the oldest if that give you an idea on ages.

We lingered as long as we could, even having dessert, but eventually we had to say our goodbyes. They say it won't be so long next time. That's fine with me. I love an excuse to get away with my sweetie and visit a new restaurant. Good company is always nice too.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is lovely that you were able to do get together with his family. My husband's side tries to get together at least once a year. Since my parents have passed, we don't really get together much with my side. I'm sad, I guess I need to initiate a moment with them all sometime. They mostly live in Las vegas and St. George. Thanks for the thoughts!
