
Jul 7, 2021

Traveling Together: Saguaro National Park

 Remember when I told you my sweetie is super interested in the cactus plant? Well, he also wants to use Baby Doll's 4th Grade pass to the National Parks as much as possible, so we looked around and found somewhere that would fill both requirements; Saguaro National Park.

The park was a couple of hours from Scottsdale, near Tucson, and even though we had spent tons of time in the car on Friday, the ride wasn't bad. In fact, as we got nearer and nearer to the park, we could see more and more cactus on the landscape. It was kind of weird, really, almost like a different planet.

The park has two entrances and we (accidentally) came in the side that was definitely most scenic.

There were many different kinds of cactus, but the tall cylindrical ones were definitely the most interesting to me. Such an awkward, beautiful plant.

We stopped at the visitor's center only to find that the exhibits were closed, but they were happy to let us in the bookstore to spend our money. 

We hiked the loop around the visitor's center... it was SO hot!!... but worth it because we got a chance to get right up close and actually (carefully!) touch one of those big cactus.

After we left the park, we drove to the nearest Whataburger to use some of our gift cards from WestWorld. 

The food was good, but expensive, even with our gift cards. 

After the long drive, we stopped at Kohl's to do a little shopping. Then of course we were all hungry by the time we got back to the condo so my sweetie grilled salmon and we ate on the patio alfresco.

Such a fun day.

1 comment:

  1. This does sound like such a fun day! I like all the activities that you did. You do have the adventures.
    Blessings and hugs!
