
Jul 6, 2021

Traveling Together: Happy 4th of July!!🎆

This is not the first time we have spent our vacation over the 4th of July, but it was certainly one of the most fun.
We got up for 9:00 am church (love the locator tool!) And drove 10 minutes until we found a very small ward where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is still true. At one point I counted 48 people in attendance not including us. Crafty even bore her testimony!
After church we ate lunch and then spent an hour or so in the pool.
Who knew these kids were like an otter pack...all cuddly and can fit in a 3-ft square space?
Last week we bought tickets to WestWorld's Independence Day celebration. 
We had no idea what to expect. 
We knew it included dinner and fireworks, but when they do a party, they do it well!
We won sunglasses, t-shirts, and a camp chair from Subaru. Baby Doll and Curly slid down a slide covered with snow.
There were free gift cards and card games on each table. When the food and entertainment were finished, they opened the doors so everyone could go outside for fireworks.
It was an awesome show.
Such a fun day!! Happy 4th, America!!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a wonderful 4th of July Celebration! Thanks for sharing the fun thoughts and photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
