
Jul 29, 2021

End of Summer

Something must have clicked in The Beast earlier this week. He asked if we could watch his boys so that he and Beauty could get some yardwork done, but after we agreed, he must have realized that it is nearly the end of summer and time to make some memories. That's when he suggested that we make this overnighter fun from start to finish.

So as soon as the boys got here, we changed them into their suits and headed for the Rec Center. Swimming was the first thing on our agenda.

Our party included me, Crafty, Scout, Baby Doll, Little Warrior, and Little Squire. We had an hour and a half to enjoy the water before it was time to pick up Curly from football practice.

When we got home, we set up the sleeping quarters for the evening. The Beast had brought over their sleeping bags and a brand new tent. After we pushed the couches and the ottomons together just right, they had a soft and cushy place to sleep and a front door view for their "late" night movie.

We could hear the fun and giggles all the way upstairs. Just wait until you see our plans for tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. You do like to have last-minute crazy parties. I loved this one.
    Blessings and hugs!
