
Jul 30, 2021

End of Summer, Part 2

You would think that when little kids stay up late that they would want to sleep in, right?


The boys were up bright and early and excited to go to the Hogle Zoo. I called Bossy and told her to have Skittles here by 9:00 am. Yes, we were going to have 3 little guys; 2 3-year-olds and one that was 2. We were so excited! At least we would have been had we got any sleep last night...

We arrived at the Hogle Zoo just after 10:00, hoping to beat the crowds. After all, it was a Wednesday morning. But the main parking lot was nearly full with the promise of a big day. We started with the zebras and giraffes and then headed for the lions and monkeys.

The kids were having a good time with the addition of Skittles and we had them all riding in one wagon. After the apes, we headed down to the Carousel. 

It's one of my favorite parts of the zoo although today the polar bears were a close second.

The sea lions were awesome and we stopped by their house to eat a snack  before we headed to the splash pads.

After the boys were wet, it was definitely time to go. 

As you can imagine, they all fell asleep almost before we could get their carseats all clicked in. Loved our little trip to the Zoo!

1 comment:

  1. That does look like a wonderful moment at the Zoo. I think you are brave to take those little ones. However, kids today are so smart; I'm sure they loved it.
    Hugs to all!
