
Jun 25, 2021

Guess Who Turned 18?

Sport!! We had an amazing day full of important stuff. Sport and I met with the doc and finished up everything so that when we got home he was able to hit the SUBMIT key on his mission papers.
I cut his hair into something a little closer to a missionary haircut. He worked a baseball game and then met with the Stake President where he got approval to be ordained an Elder on Sunday.
We decided it was a great time to celebrate!
What better way than Texas Roadhouse?
Happy birthday, Sport!!
(I think his hair looks pretty good, don't you think?😉)


  1. Happy birthday Sport!

    Love your missionary haircut.

    Go out and go forth!

  2. Wow, I am so excited he could start his paper work for the mission and be made an Elder too. This is an exiting moment for sure.
    Blessings and hugs for this future missionary!
