
Jun 24, 2021

Clark Planetarium - BBC Earth's Antarctica!

Yesterday I was telling you about our amazing Salt Lake County, and today I want to tell you about another of their fantastic facilities, Clark Planetarium. We absolutely love the Planetarium! It has been my go-to for years for my family, my girl scout troop, school field trips... I am on board for any reason.

So when the folks from BBC Earth's Antarctica invited us to preview their new family-friendly movie, I jumped in line with 11 of my best friends (ok, you caught me, they are all family members).

I have to admit that this movie was not on my radar, but after they sent me some copy to read and then a box full of swag you saw us open a few days ago, I was super excited to spend our family night in the Planetarium's IMAX theater.

The show was amazing! The photography, the colors, the unusual animal life. 

It was stunning!

The show was around 45 minutes long and honestly, I could have sat through it again had it been an option. 

Instead we visited all the displays.

Because how could we not?

It's the Planetarium after all.

Antarctica plays three times a day, 11:45 am, 2:15 pm, and 4:45 pm. Tickets cost $7 each and Planetarium members are allowed in for free. We received free tickets and swag for our honest review of BBC Earth's Antarctica.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that does look like a lot of fun. The photos make the movie look wonderful and the displays, also. You do come up with great adventures to do, and free makes it all the better.
    Blessings and hugs!
