
May 19, 2021

Guest Blog: Happy Family and Happy Craftin'! by Princess

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've written a post, so let me remind you which one I am. I'm Princess. I am one of the super overachiever, blonde, former dancers. Oh wait, that doesn't eliminate very many people. I'm also married and have had a kid in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Does that help? 

We recently got our family pictures taken and of course the second Mom saw them she asked if I would write a blog post so she could share them with everyone. I can't blame her, they are super cute.

So, what am I up to these days? The Frog just graduated from BYU with a BS in Computer Science (FINALLY!!!). He will continue to work at the job he loves as a web developer. To celebrate (and because he needed a new car) we went to a car dealership for the first time and bought him a brand new Hyundai Elantra. He loves it and it makes his 30-minute commute a lot more tolerable.

Tadpole turned three in January. He is such an inquisitive kid and has the memory of an elephant. He will be starting preschool in the fall and he is so happy to be back out in the world. He really loves being around people, which is a challenge for his shy mama. 

He starts up a conversation with every stranger at the grocery store and he tries talking to the family behind us at church (which gets loud with the socially-distanced pews). He loves crafting, cement mixers, and visiting Grandma.

Polliwog turned two in March and he is growing every day. He is quite a dancer (has been since before he was born). I turn on music and he can't help it. He just starts to groove. He also loves to sing and would sing for an hour before bed if I let him (sometimes I do). He loves balls, cars, and animals. His favorite person in the world is Grandpa and (like Grandpa) he is not so sure he loves being back out in the world.

We took him to a restaurant for the first time (in his memory) and he completely closed off. He sat in the corner looking scared for the first half. Eventually he opened up and took a bite of food. Then he started doing his happy dance. He is slowly being more and more ok being out in public, but he still doesn't enjoy it like his big brother. 

Duchess is 7 months old and, though she still looks chunky, she has thinned out a lot. Her personality is starting to shine through, but I'm still not exactly sure what to make of it. She wants all the attention, but then cries when there are too many people. Sometimes she insists on being held constantly, but other times she will casually play by herself for an hour. (Girls are confusing.)

One thing never changes though, she LOVES her family. She laughs when the boys play with her. She will snuggle with Mama all afternoon and the smile she gives Dad when he gets home from work is heart-melting.

Not much is new for me. The kids keep me busy. I'm still doing my craft blogging, but it comes in bursts. I'll have a week where I make five YouTube videos, three blog posts, and seven reels on Instagram and then I will slowly make one or two things for the next month. 

The majority of my day is spent playing, cleaning, and feeding the kids. I've become one of those crazy Instant Pot ladies and we've been trying lots of different foods. The Frog is obsessed with the curries I have been making and I'm slowly becoming accustomed to my house smelling like an Indian restaurant. The Frog also bought me a little greenhouse and I have been trying my hand at my first real garden. It's pretty small, but I wanted it that way. It makes it seem more like a fun project and less like a chore.

That's about it. I'll finish up with a few more pictures of my cute kids. took our pictures and she did an amazing job. I highly recommend her to all my Utah friends. And, I don't know, I always end all my blog posts with happy craftin'... so, I guess, I hope you are well. Thanks for reading and happy craftin'! :)


  1. Such a fun post and update on your kids. I loved all the photos; you have an adorable family. I can see you are very busy and I admire all you are doing. Congrats on the new car.
    Blessings and hugs!
