
Feb 25, 2021

So Excited for a Live Concert!

I have to admit that I am more redneck than refined. Remember our discussion about watching a baseball game vs watching a concert? You know my choice.
Except for yesterday... 
We saw Sport play with the Wind Symphony  in December, but it has been over a year since we have seen our middle-schoolers play in a live event.
This was a Monster Concert with the top bands at two middle schools as well as the top band at Bingham High School. Scout is the cute redhead here holding her bass clarinet as she exits the stage.
See that tall blond guy on the back row? That's Sport with his trumpet. Other than the fact that the auditorium was only half full and everyone was wearing masks, including some of the performers, for a minute, life seemed almost normal.
All these awesome young men and women who have prepared for months for this great day, played beautiful music together. Proud parents, grandparents, and conductors...
Such a good day.

1 comment:

  1. That does seem almost normal. there is nothing like watching your children preform.
    Hugs for these two!
