
Feb 26, 2021

Girl Scout Cookies 2021

I'm sorry that I have neglected you this past week. I have been running like crazy! My sweetie gave me a trip to see Lake Superior for Christmas and we leave tomorrow. I'm super excited about that and mostly packed, but first, I have something to do...
Drama Queen picked up over 2000 packages of Girl Scout cookies last Saturday and I have been frantically making deliveries all week. My sweetie says it's time to stop stressing and that people can wait until we get home, but most people really want their Thin Mints right now and I hate to make them wait. 
Thankfully, my stacks are almost gone and I can climb on that plane tomorrow without guilt.
But if you need your cookie fix, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how do you do it all?? You deserve a break for sure. Have a wonderful trip.
    Sending loving thoughts, and hugs your way!
