
Dec 15, 2020

Christmas Performance 2020

So many things have been canceled because of COVID-19, that we held our breath right up until it was time to drive to the school for the performance. There were so many restrictions! The kids had to wear masks until the moment they stepped onto the stage. Audience members had to have 3 seats between family groups and masks, of course.

But once the kids were on stage, they all just looked so excited to be there, you would never have known we had a pandemic raging. Baby Doll danced with three groups this year. This is her jazz class class and she is 2nd from the left.

For her ballet class, the girls wore their own Christmas dresses. She is on the front row with the cornflower blue skirt and white top.

She did an amazing job as usual. Only 4 of us were allowed to watch her from the school, but because they streamed the video, even Teach watched her from New Jersey!

Baby Doll's last dance was her tap class. We were especially excited for this one because Curly is also in that class! He didn't dance last year, so he had some catching up to do, but after a few weeks, it was like he never stopped.

So proud of these two!!

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