
Dec 18, 2020

Christmas Letter 2020

Dear Friends & Family, 

It has been a rough year for our world and no different here at home although many good things have happened. Not all of Curly’s baseball tournaments were cancelled. We had a fun trip to Idaho and another to St. George so he could play. Baby Doll got to dance in her Spring Recital, but only because our director erected a temporary stage in her parking lot so people could stay distanced. Scout played in a couple of volleyball tournaments before they shut everything down. Dog Walker managed to graduate from UVU with his BS in University Studies and they had a drive-through graduation and a big party afterward. Honestly? Best.graduation.ever!

In July, Teach and Twiz and their little family moved to New Jersey. The transition was difficult for all of us. They are now expecting a little one in July. Bossy and Gamer are also having another boy in February! We added one new grandbaby this year. Princess and The Frog’s daughter, Duchess, was born in October. We didn’t get to see her until the first part of December since our family contracted COVID-19 about that same time. Everyone came through with flying colors, even my 85-year-old dad who lives with us.

After 5 months, Crafty came home with the rest of the missionaries from the Philippines. She is taking a year of classes at BYU and then plans to return to her mission next summer when we hope COVID will finally be under control. Prima Donna continues to be a free spirit.

My sweetie works at home as does Crafty, Bossy, The Beast, Beauty, and Drama Queen. Sport struggles a bit with the changes during his senior year at Bingham. He had hoped to go to a dance or two and run his clubs, but he was chosen to be the Sterling Scholar in FACS, so that was pretty huge. He also received his Eagle Scout Award in an outdoor ceremony 6 months from the date we originally had planned the end of March. Scout is the only one on a hybrid schedule; all the others go to school 4 days a week.

Curly got a whole season of football and The Beast’s oldest son, Little Warrior, wanted to come with us to every game. We have had lots of time with their family this year and I have loved getting to know their boys better. Drama Queen has been amazing at helping the kids with homework. We don’t love wearing masks, but having church at home was a learning experience for all of us. We discovered that the size of the congregation didn’t matter as long as we were serving God.

We have had lots of time together! We learned to play spikeball and pickle ball. We took a trip to New Mexico with the kids and my sweetie and I went by ourselves to Oregon in November and last January on a work trip to San Diego. We also spent a week in Park City while my sweetie refinished our floors.

We will all be so grateful when things finally return to a little more normal. We miss seeing family and friends. We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.


Love from Twelve Makes A Dozen


  1. I have followed your blog for years. I find it sad that you rarely mention Prima Donna, and when you do in this letter, all you mention is she continues to be a free spirit.
    I don't know the inner workings of your family but hope that whatever path Prima Donna is on, that you, her family, provide support and love for her. She may be on a different path than you, but she is worthy of love, acceptance, and to feel like part of a family. That starts with you.

    1. Prima donna has severed all contact and we have not idea what she is upto. It was entirely her choice. We can't update or share when someone chooses to wander. It isn't momof12 excluding her but her excluding momof12 and the entire dozen from her life.

  2. Thank you, Bossy, for jumping in. We are not sure why Prima Donna chose to block us on all social media, return our letters, and change her phone number. We took her food and toilet paper during the beginning of the pandemic and all seemed great. We love her and have reached out multiple times to her after that with no success. I even sent her Christmas money via venmo so she would know for certain that we want her and love her (since that was the only way I could actually get a message to her). She would be angry with me for calling her my daughter since she has decided that she is gender neutral. But regardless of her choices, she is loved and valued and accepted. Please never believe that we would turn her away or make her feel she is not part of our family. We will never be complete without her sweet voice and unconquerable spirit. If you have a way of talking to her, Anonymous, please tell her that we love her always.

  3. Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't know Prima Donna personally so have no way of reaching out. I just wanted Prima Donna to know, in case they reads this, that they are not a forgotten soul. And it seems you have tried to help them understand that as well. I'm sorry if my comment opened a wound. I really do hope that in time, you all find each other again. My prayers for all of you.
