
Jul 3, 2020

Our Last Full Day With Twizlet

Wednesday was a full and amazingly fun day as long as I could keep my mind off the fact that it was the last day we would spend with our darling little granddaughter for a long time.

As many of the kids as could manage to get off work and join us made the trip to Lagoon. We were a group of 12 including those who live here, Taco and Burrito, Drama Queen, Crafty's boyfriend, and Twizlet. It was the first time we had ever taken Twizlet and at first she was a little nervous about the rides.

I couldn't even get her to drive a little car by herself!! It seemed that if she went with someone, like Baby Doll, she was fine, no matter how big the ride.

Soon she discovered that the rides were fun! She went on the teacups with Scout.

She always loves the carousel!

This was her very favorite ride both with Baby Doll and then later on with Taco.

She rode the little boats just like her mama did when she was a little girl.

We hadn't planned to spend our entire day at Lagoon. Our reservations were for when it opened and we didn't leave until they shut down all the rides. She just kept running from ride to ride until it was finally time to go home.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that would be a long day of fun. I enjoyed all the photos, and your little Twizlet is so adorable. I can see why you are going to miss her a lot. It looked like a great event with your family.
    Blessings and hugs!
