
Jul 1, 2020

Almost Time to Leave

We have had so many going away parties (and other parties) as the time inches closer and closer for Teach and her family to leave us. On Friday night, we got together for a spa night. My sweetie ordered tons of pizza and we had both guys and girls here. He also flooded the sandbox and they had so much fun playing in the water!

Curly and Baby Doll with my sweetie, Skittles, and Twizlet in the back

Then on Saturday (after the dance performance, but we will talk about that later) Beauty and The Beast hosted a game night. Baby Doll and I offered to watch all the little kids and that included playing with toys and swimming with them in the hot tub.

Little Warrior, Twizlet, and Little Squire
Little Warrior, Twizlet, Skittles, and me
Then on Sunday night we had our monthly birthday party (that also turned into a going away party of sorts when Princess and her family drove up and stayed in their car, but took a few minutes to say goodbye to Teach). It was so fun watching Skittles open his gifts!! He is just so excited about things. His favorite was the bag full of percussion instruments, but he also loved the cars.

And Bossy loved the fireworks quilt we made for him over spring break.

I know, you thought we were done...

On Monday, Teach invited me to go along with her little family to the aquarium and then out to lunch. It was own private moment when I could spend time with my little cuties alone.

And then finally, on Tuesday night, Drama Queen had everyone over for hawaiian haystacks and a movie. We are just going to miss this little part of our family so much! It will be the first time anyone has gone so far away without an exit date of when they will return to us. We are all feeling withdrawal ... and they aren't even pulling away until Thursday morning.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed all the photos and activities that you wrote about. It sounds like you have had some great family moments. Sorry, that one of the families will be leaving. I do know how that feels.
    Sending hugs your way!
