
Mar 18, 2020

What Really Matters in an Earthquake

We were shaken awake this morning as the bed bounced and rolled. I know it was only a 5.7, but it was definitely the biggest earthquake I can remember in this century. As I reached for my phone, trying to understand what was going on in my somewhat groggy state, my children started checking in on each other.

Bossy - 7:11 AM
I am fine. Please check in!

Twiz - 7:11 AM

The Frog - 7:11 AM 
All good here.

Drama Queen - 7:12 AM
Safe. That went as far as Tooele and Tremonten!!

Me - (finally got my glasses on) 7:12
Ok here

Sport - 7:12 AM

Beauty - 7:12 AM

Drama Queen - 7:12 AM
The Frog, you guys felt that earthquake just now too??

Me - 7:12 AM
How big?

The Frog - 7:12 AM
Yup, where was it?

Taco - 7:13 AM
It hit our house but everyone is fine.

The Frog - 7:13 AM
It lasted quite a while, made the ceiling fans rattle for about a minute (well at least that's how long after it woke me up).

Bossy - 7:14 AM
Shook the entire bank (Bossy is on the 5th floor) the building swayed quite a bit. Logan (the city) felt it too.

Dog Walker - 7:20 AM
Puppy Lover and I felt it. She thought it was just the washer and dryer or even the garage door. I tried to tell her that those couldn't make a whole house shake, but she didn't want to agree that it really was an earthquake. (I'm sure she was scared, just like the rest of us, Dog Walker.)

The Frog - 7:21 AM
5.7 in Magna

Me - 7:22 AM
That's big!

Scout - 7:24 AM
Grantsville felt it too

Dog Walker - 7:28 AM
How about we all pray?

Finally, a voice of reason in the crazier and crazier world we live in. Some things about our morning conversation as a family were absolutely amazing to me. First of all, within the first 2 minutes, all 6 families (except for Prima Donna) had checked in as well as additional family members from my own home. Second, the new SLACK channel The Frog set up for us has been perfect for keeping my family together.

And third, and the most important to me... when we are afraid, my family, my children were concerned and just needed to hear from each other. We all needed to remember that those we love were safe.

For the record, all day long our siblings have been checking with each other. My sweetie's brothers and sisters have a text chain similar to this one. Most of my siblings have called or texted me just to make sure we are well.

We have also heard from friends and ward members, just people who care about each other making sure all is well. There aren't a whole lot of things more important than that.


  1. Is the coronavirus affecting your daughter and her mission???????? Since it is in many countries now perhaps your LDS church will send their missionaries back to their homes to make sure they are safe from this coronavirus???? Something to wonder about>????

  2. We were not allowed to comment on social media until she was safe and back in the states. If you read my next post, you already know she is here. :)

  3. I love it when family comes together like this. There is a purpose in all things. Our family started a text chain, and it has continued. It has been so fun as they send amusing memes and other encouraging notes to each other.
    Yes, we must all have faith and follow our prophet!
    Blessings and hugs!
