
Mar 17, 2020

New Starts - Planting Garden Starts

I'm sorry for being so negative yesterday. It has been rough on everyone and the last thing you want to hear is more whining from me. There are so many good things coming from staying home!

First of all, if you missed it, Princess announced that they are expecting #3 on 10/20/20. A new baby coming seems like the perfect tonic to improve life to me.

 I spent about 20 minutes erasing pretty much everything off my calendar and after a few seconds of incredible stress and sadness, it felt nice to see those clean white spaces with pretty much every day written on them. Even the few remaining doctors appointments will probably be cancelled.

We spent the day with the kids and Grandpa...all 7 of us who live here including Teach's babies and Dog Walker when he wasn't working. They are just so sweet, it is hard to remember that we are supposed to be so sad and upset when it is like we are really just all sluffing school together. Just for a minute though.

Gym Class for Scout with a little help from Twizlet.
Then the teachers started unloading on us and I swear, the kids have more to do than if they were just going to school! Even Baby Doll in her third grade class seems a bit weighed down. Curly was just here a few minutes ago frantically uploading some assignments that were due at midnight. I guess they will learn how to better handle deadlines.

Part of that was my fault since we spent our FHE building mini gardens with all kinds of vegetables and fruit. We have never started our gardens this way before. My sweetie prefers to visit the nursery and buy plants that are already up, so it will be interesting to see if we can pull it off. Even Grandpa made a small one!

I will try to keep you posted more often. I would love to hear how things are where you live. Has your area turned the corner yet or are you in the thick of COVIDs like we are? Please share. It's almost like our entire world has suddenly turned digital.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I thought I'd dropped in to see how you are all doing. Now that there is more time at home, I will hope to catch up on reading blogs and doing one or two.
    Congrats on another grandbaby coming. I do think that the kids doing homework at home will at least give them something to do besides watch the news and get more anxious.
    The Earthquake adds a bit more excitement to the day. I do hope that you all stay well and happy. It might be awesome for you to have a little downtime with your amazingly busy life.
    Sending prayers, blessings, and hugs your way!
