
Feb 13, 2020

Watching the Jazz Game

It has been a super busy week, just trying to get ready for my "procedure" on Monday. They called me to preregister...that part always makes it feel so real! But I don't want to talk about that today, I want to tell you that tonight we had 10 tickets to the Jazz game.

We got these tickets from coaching. Each child gets two tickets and the coach gets two. Since I coached two teams, we had a pretty big pile of tickets. All 7 of us living at our house got to go as well as Bossy, Taco, Bean Dip, and Skittles. (Skittles is only 18 months old, so he didn't need a ticket.)

We ended up being late because Sport spent most of the day making an amazing invitation for a girl he wanted to invite to the Jr. Prom, and we had to drop it by her house on our way downtown. Sadly, she had already been asked, so he is now just looking for someone else to invite. I think he watched a bunch of his sisters not receive invitations to the dances and he doesn't want anyone feeling the way they felt.

But I digress...

Anyway, we got to the game halfway through the 1st quarter and the Jazz were losing. I spent most of my time watching Skittles. He just LOVED the game! He was bouncing up and down and every time  the DE-FENSE cheer came on he would shake both hands just like he had seen everyone else do.

The first half was rough on the Jazz, but during the second half, they seemed to pull it together and by the final quarter, they were ahead by 10 most of the time. The kids were excited at the win and when it was over, we gathered up and headed for home.

Except for church ball, Basketball season is officially over.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is awesome that you got to go to the game with all of your family available. It's been years since we have been to a game. We have been following them a little bit more the last while. I love the photos. I'm trying to make a come back in blogging.
    Blessings and hugs!
