
Feb 16, 2020


Today we had so much fun watching Scout play volleyball!! This is her 3rd tournament, but the first one we have been able to attend because of Jr. Jazz. The worst part was getting up early. We had to leave the house by 7:30 so we could get to Clearfield by 8:15.

Their first set started at 9:00. There were two courts running with 4 teams each and they were all trying to get out of their pool play so they could make it to the Gold court or the top 4. Two teams would move up and two would move down.

Scout's team started out on the Silver court. The games were tight and their team lost the first set quickly. After that, they beat the other two teams in their pool and eventually they were one of two teams to move up!

They were moving so fast, my camera couldn't even keep up!
Scout played well although her normally "killer" serve kept going long because of the short space for her approach. She did make 7 in a row in one game. The final game for Club GSL was on the Gold Court with the 1st place team from Gold. They nearly beat them in one of the games, but they eventually came up short and our tournament time was over with their team settling in at 3rd out of 8 teams.

She has another one coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping I will be on the mend well enough to sit through that many games in a row. I sure hope so, because I don't think anyone in that building can yell GSL nearly as loud as me!

Waiving to all of her fans... 

1 comment:

  1. I do love watching a good Volleyball game. I like your photos and story for this day. I think 3 out of 8 is good. Blessings and hugs for Scout.
    I will be praying your surgery goes well. Please have someone update how you are.
