
Jan 10, 2020

Great Job, Curly!

We were so proud of Curly last Sunday when he accepted the responsibility of being ordained a Deacon in our church...the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deacons have many jobs. They have to run their own Quorum of boys about their age (girls have their own program). They have leadership (Noah has been asked to be one of these leaders, but until it is announced on Sunday,
we can't say what ).

Deacons pass the sacrament to members of the church and they collect fast offerings and deliver newsletters. They are in charge of raising and lowering the flag each Sunday. I'm sure there are others, but I'm sure you get the idea.

After he was ordained, we had a grand fiesta with most of his brothers and sisters and their families. My sweetie made enchiladas and tacos. After dinner was over, Curly made root beer floats for those who were not worried about a New Year's Resolution.

Check out how great Bossy looks! She had a gastric sleeve right before Christmas and she has already dropped about 50 lbs.
I thought January was going to be easier, but so far, I'm starting to wonder...

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