
Jan 13, 2020

Girl Scout Cookies!

It's our favorite time of year... COOKIE TIME!

Actually my girls don't love going out and selling cookies, but they do it because they know it is good for our troop and good for them. In the 26 years I have been a Girl Scout troop leader, I have never had to charge my girls dues beyond the registration fee charged by the council. We have chosen to work really hard instead to sell enough cookies to keep the troop in funds until the next cookie sale comes along.

When I first joined the Girl Scouts with Bossy when she was 9 years old, cookies cost $2.50 a box. Now they are exactly double that. The council voted to raise the cost to $5 a package (we can't call them boxes anymore because some people might mix up that name with a case which is an actual box... really?!)

Even with the change in price, when the girls were out on Saturday in the wind and snow, they still sold cookies. And I am so grateful. 💝 Thank you for always supporting us... supporting me... we couldn't do it without you.

P.S. If you need to order cookies for yourself, please comment or message me. I can send you a link where you can place an order online and have your very own boxes...I mean packages... in just a few days. To specifically benefit my troop and my girls, orders must be placed through our personal portal.

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