
Oct 31, 2019

Miss Her Already

I thought this day might never come... at least I'm not sure I wanted it to, although I know having Crafty serve a mission for our church is the very best and right thing for her even though it is hard for me...hard for us.

She was up early and made breakfast for everyone this morning; kind of a last act of service. Then we took tons of pictures.

At 11:00 we loaded up the big van (for some reason, everyone wanted to come with us), and we drove to Provo. We arrived about noon which is what we were hoping for and then we drove over to the "Missionary Field" at the Provo Temple.

There were half a dozen families there doing exactly what we were doing... preparing to say goodbye to our missionaries. We had all the kids younger than Crafty with us as well as Drama Queen. We took some pictures and everyone got a chance to get a hug before we all climbed back into the big van for the short drive to the MTC.

We missed the turn and it took us a few minutes to wind back through the neighborhoods before we could find the entrance to the MTC, but we still arrived right on time.

A sister missionary was assigned to our vehicle and she helped Crafty get her things out while I grabbed one last quick hug.

And then she was gone.

I miss her sweet smile already.

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