
Oct 29, 2019

Crafty's Mission Farewell

The time is flying by and it won't be long before we take Crafty to Provo to the Missionary Training Center where she will be learning Tagalog and how to be a missionary before she flies off to the Philippines sometime in December.

We had her mission farewell speech in church on Sunday. She was stressed because she had to speak for about 20 minutes and she had never done a talk that long before. But she wrote it herself and it was amazing! It also clocked in at just under 20 minutes, so absolutely perfect.

After we finished up at the church, we came back to the house for a big party with family and friends. Crafty had SO many friends here!! I didn't even know some of them.

Now these two I know...
My sweetie had made sweet pork with all the fixings for burritos. Drama Queen spent an hour frying up nearly 20 pounds of hamburger for tacos and of course we had tons of treats, some made by us and some donated by family and friends.

Love that cute boy!! Isn't our Little Squire getting big?
We had so much fun visiting with everyone. Even Grandma managed to make it up to see us and that is a hard trip for her. I even remembered to take pictures this time!

I still have a bunch of things to do before Crafty leaves. There never seems to be enough time. There is a huge part of my heart and my brain that have been so totally focused on October 30th that I am having a hard time looking past that to see what comes next.

In some ways it feels like having a root canal or a tooth extracted... you know it is good for you, but still it is like something that is a part of you is being ripped away.


  1. I read your blog early in the mornings..I think of your family as extraordinary.. The fact your daughter will go on a mission to the Phillipines to tell the people about your LDS religion is wonderful..Also all your other children and their wonderful activities and accmplishments and your husband being so wonderful and you devoted to each other and your faith..Whwee I live there is a huge juvenile jail I call it and it is filled to the brim with children who do not have parents such as you and your loving husband..If only others could gain your faith and knowledge..If you bring a child into this world I just can't understand why a person cannot parent and love them..truly you are an example of your faith and devotion both of you and your hubs..I feel for your feelings of your daughter leaving but she is not going away forever and it is for a wonderful cause and her faith will only increase..I am not of your faith but I watch and listen and learn many valuable lessons..Kudos to you and yours and may God continue to encrich you and your husband and families life.....have a wonderful coming week..and many prayers for your daughters safe trip and return to her wonderful mother and father and siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, I do know how it feels to have a daughter leave for a mission. You describe it pretty well. I loved all the photos of the party for her and I am so excited for her missionary adventure. It will be a fantastic mission. My granddaughter just got called to New Zealand and we are excited about that.
    Blessings and hugs for Crafty!
