
Sep 20, 2019

My Sweetie's Major Award

Last weekend, my sweetie was given a major award for his work in a certain company located here in the Salt Lake Valley. They treated us to a really nice evening and dinner at the Grand America Hotel.

Everything was so fancy, even the desserts.
He also received a large and amazing trophy, a backpack to carry it home in, and a couple of nice monogrammed notebooks. He even played a role in a 2-minute video made about their project.

Visiting in the hallway outside the ballroom.
I'm sorry to be so vague on this one, because I really am so proud of how well he takes care of us. And just in case you have never been in the Grand America, I took a picture of the bathroom for you. That pretty much says it all!

Each of these little doors is a separate bathroom stall.
Like this!
Congratulations, Sweetie! It took them long enough to discover what I already knew... You're the best!!

1 comment:

  1. That's the most extravagant place that I bet you wouldn't want to lodge vacantly.
