
Sep 22, 2019

Guest Blog: Taking Care of Baby Lyla by Scout

Hey everyone, this is Scout. Mom asked me to write a blog post to tell you about something cool that happened to me this week. For school, I have a FACS class which is where they teach you about how to raise a family and cook and stuff. So in this class, we get a baby doll for a day to teach us about parenting. Since we are only 8th graders, we don't get the electronic doll, but we are supposed to treat this doll like a real baby anyway.

This is Lyla.
My baby doll was a girl and I choose to name her Lyla. She was African American and adorably cute just like my niece, Twizlet. Did you know that Twizlet is 1/4 African American? 

One of the worst parts about it was that like a real parent wakes up in the middle of the night, they made us get up between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM and call the school and leave a message. I was really grateful that my mom was able to stay up and help me call the school and all that. 

We were supposed to pay someone for babysitting, but she did it for free. Mom also insisted that I feed Lyla for 10 minutes every 4 hours and she found a real baby bottle for me. She also made me use the car seat and burp Lyla when we were finished. It made it all more real. 

During the day, Twizlet was here and she loved that baby! She would always like to hold her and play with her and all that. It was so sweet.

Overall it was a very good experience and I loved it so much, especially getting to share the experience with my family. 

1 comment:

  1. At least for Twizlet, it's good practice she'll have when she gets her baby brother. I'm not sure if it's the appropriate time to comment this, but I hope it's okay.
