
Aug 13, 2019

Vacation 2019 - Driving Home

We left California on Friday morning about 9:00. My sweetie wanted to get out of town before we had to worry too much about traffic. At that point, I just wanted to get home! There is always so much to do after a vacation and as you can see, it is Monday night late and I am just getting around to telling you about Saturday and that is because my desk has been piled high, my laundry is ridiculous, I have a whole tree full of ripe apricots, it was Drama Queen's birthday on Saturday and now today was Curly's. The fun never ends!

Apparently, I didn't take any pictures on Friday, so I hope Princess doesn't mind that I'm using some of hers from the trip.

Our drive home was mostly uneventful. We stopped at various places for gas, one notable one was Eddie's World. It was supposed to have all different types of candy and my sweetie is always looking for that one piece of licorice he remembers as a child that he can never find.

Anyway, instead of letting the kids each pick a bag of candy, we let them buy one last treat... a stuffed animal. Even Sport got on board when he found a small stuffed stingray that would definitely remind him of  the trip.

Aren't my little grandsons cute?!

We drove down the Vegas strip looking at the hotels and watching for the amazing fountain. It was light outside, but there were still things I didn't really want my kids to see, so after we passed, the dancing water at the Bellagio, we left. We stopped again for dinner at a Denney's in Beaver. Then we only had one more stop for gas in Nephi.

We were way more excited than Pollywog to finally find our beds!

Our vehicle was the last one of the three to get home and when I looked at my watch it was 1:26 AM. We just locked up the car and left everything until morning. Curly had to be at the park for weigh-ins at 6:45 AM... but we made it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that it a long trip home but you did make some fun and interesting stops. I do hope your sweetie finds that piece of licorice. My husband loves that kind of candy. I happy you had such a great trip.
