
Aug 14, 2019

Cookout at the Power Plant Park

My sweetie was worried that it had been a while since he had visited his mom with our vacation and all, so on Sunday after church, we threw a few things in the van and headed for Sanpete County. My sweetie has been taking care of her yard as much as he can long distance. He just wanted to move the water around some, so we all got to visit with Grandma while he was outside.

 When it was time to go, we piled back into the van and headed for the Power Plant Park in Mt. Pleasant. Sunday was the day for our Big FHE, but when we left for Sanpete, the only person I thought might show up besides the 8 people living in my house was the Dog Walker. But by the time we were at Point of the Mountain, Bossy had called to say that their family was also planning to join us.

When we got to the Power Plant Park, we found a table with a large grill and my sweetie got to work on the hot dogs. It was a simple meal; hot dogs, chips, and s'mores. The Dog Walker also brought a couple of pies for us to share. He has become quite the pie maker.

The kids went off exploring while we were getting ready for dinner and by the time they got back it was almost time for s'mores! But everyone got full and other than the flies, we had a pleasant evening under the trees.

We even managed to get home fairly early so Crafty and Bossy could get to work on time Monday morning.

1 comment:

  1. That does seem like a lovely thing to do on a Sabbath day. A visit to Grandma and then a big family gathering. I loved the photos!
    Blessings and hugs!
