
Aug 29, 2019

Boating with Bob

I know home teaching is no longer a thing in our church, but our neighbor, Bob, has been our home teacher and now ministering brother for the last 25 years. The kids love him and he is constantly looking for ways to make them happy.

Yesterday, he took a bunch of us boating on Utah Lake. Last year was the first time I had been out boating with them even though he has taken them out about once a year for the last decade, starting with Dog Walker and his desire to earn all of the Merit Badges. Last year our trip was sort of a disaster when the rope was caught around the motor and Bob nearly froze to death trying to get it off so we could make our way back to the docks. This time we were much more careful and Bob had a new tube that could accommodate up to 3 riders, so that gave us much more time on the water.

Utah Lake is not a very clean lake and we had to get out in the middle of it; away from the algae. Once we were there, Bob let some of the kids out to swim while he inflated the tube. When we finally got it in the water, Curly, Baby Doll, and Scout could hardly wait to get on. Bob, Dog Walker, Sport, Twizlet and I all stayed on the boat and watched them completely enjoy this ride! It might have been better than any of the rides we experienced in Disneyland a couple of weeks ago...

When they were finished, there was some discussion of Dog Walker taking Twizlet next until I spoke up and offered to take her. I had never been on a tube before.

Twizlet and I had a great time!

All too soon it was time to clean up and head back to the docks.

Thanks, Bob, for your long and incredible dedication to our family! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, to have the same ministering brother for so many years is incredible. I love that he took you all boating. You and your baby looked so happy tubbing.
    Hugs for all!
