
Aug 31, 2019

August Birthday Party

Last Sunday we celebrate 4 birthdays in our family, my sweetie, Little Warrior, Drama Queen, and Curly. My sweetie and Curly started the party by dressing up exactly the same right down to their shoes!

Drama Queen made her famous Lasagna and we ate outside since my fridge is and has been broken for over a week now. The repair guy has been here 3 times now and he promises us that Tuesday will be the time. I sure hope he is right!

I'll just leave you with some cute pics now. I love the one with The Beast on the trampoline and Little Warrior just dying to get up there.

And then there is the one with Tadpole and Skittles on the swing...

Which one do you like the best?

Happy birthday, everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking at all the photos. Of course, the babies on the swing were precious.
    I like to see all the family togetherness.
    Blessings and hugs for all and Happy Birthday to the four of them!
