
Jun 30, 2019

Typical Crazy Saturday

Today was one of those run-every-minute days when I never seem to be able to accomplish everything. It started out early this morning with my nephew's baptism. I had to provide some treats as well as help Curly with his talk on Baptism, lead the music, and at the last minute on Friday night, help Li'l Sis find some white undies. But it was a beautiful service full of children and fun; just my kind of thing. We had a party at the park afterward and then we rushed back home to change and get ready for the next thing... a trip to the zoo!

They had a Lion Fountain when I visited the zoo as a little girl!

Princess and The Frog with Tadpole on the Carousel

Taco checks out the polar bear.
We have loved having the zoo pass! It is so nice to bring some of the kids and their little families with us. This time we had Teach and Twizlet (Twiz had to work), Princess and The Frog and their boys, and Taco, Burrito, and Skittles. The zoo was busy, but the kids only had to wait through one cycle before they got on the train and we pretty much got right back on the carousel all three times we rode it.

Baby Doll loved the camera today.

I enjoyed this trip so much because we didn't have to hurry and we could visit with each other and linger as long as we wanted. As it turned out, we spent more than 4 hours at the zoo which is a new record for our family.

Twizlet found a new friend!

While we were gone, my sweetie got supper together, but I still had to run to the grocery store and grab a few things for tomorrow. We are feeding the missionaries... and speaking of missionaries, we submitted Crafty's papers today! Now they are in the hands of our capable Bishop.

But I digress...

After eating dinner and shopping, we loaded the kids and Grandpa in the car and we drove over to the Taylorsville Dayzz celebration for the ABBA tribute concert and the fireworks. It was so crazy crowded! My sweetie estimated about 100,000 people in the park, but once we finally got parked and settled, it was all like one big party and we had lots of fun jamming to the music and watching the half-hour long fireworks show.

It was just after midnight when we finally got home, but we sure had a good time. Spending a crazy Saturday with family is the best!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you do have a crazy life. I don't know how you get so many activities into one day. I did love reading about it.
    I'm excited about Crafty submitting her papers for a mission, that is awesome. I love that you can have so many happy moments with your family.
    Sending hugs your way!
