
Jun 28, 2019

Adventuring - Clark Planetarium

Yesterday when we got home, one of these was hanging on my door.

You know I couldn't possibly stay home knowing that I couldn't turn on the water or flush the toilet, so we just HAD to go out adventuring today even though Scout and Sport took off this morning well before 9:00 AM for Youth Conference.

Teach and Twiz are almost always up for fun, so we planned a trip to the Clark Planetarium. Unfortunately, I don't pay much attention to when things open because we got there 15 minutes early.

Once we were inside, we bought tickets for the IMAX and then wandered the exhibits until it was time for the show to begin. We watched the 3D version of Born to be Wild. Just being in the IMAX theater was an adventure for the kids since they couldn't remember it from the last time we were there.

Twiz slipped out to head off for work just before the final credits so that left Teach and me and 3 kids to explore the Planetarium. We ate our packed lunches in the concessions area where they have tables for that sort of thing, then we spent 20 minutes in the gift shop. It took a good part of that time just chasing Twizlet around. She wants to look at and more importantly, touch everything in the store.

We finally bought some magnets, then hit the restrooms on our way out the door. It was a fun and short trip since I had to be home by 2:00 for our mechanic who never actually showed up until about 5:00. Happily, the water was back on when we got home, so that was a relief!

Now what should we plan for tomorrow?

1 comment:

  1. It does look like a fun adventure and I see exactly why you would want to spend the day away. I'm happy the water was back on when you got home.
    Blessings and hugs!
