
Apr 28, 2019

Volleyball Club GSL

I couldn't possibly write a blog post last night because I had to get up so ridiculously early to get to Scout's Volleyball Tournament on time! This was the big and final one of the season, held in Kaysville, Utah. It's about a 45-minute drive for us and she had to be there at 8:30. I know, not THAT bad, but it is a Saturday...

They had to finish up the pool play they started on Friday night before they could begin their single elimination tournament. Pool play meant two games to 25 with each of the 3 other teams. I was worried that Scout would be tired and lackluster. They won their first game and then lost the second one. The coach had her sit a few times mostly for that reason.

I pulled her aside and reminded her that she was the backbone and leader of the team and she had better pull it together or we would be headed home much earlier than she wanted to go. She moped a bit longer and then plastered a smile on her face and got to work.

It's amazing to me how the attitude of just one athlete can change the course of an entire tournament. That and several pounding well-placed serves in a row! Honestly, she was amazing, and I'm not saying that just because I'm her mom. I'm pretty sure nearly every other parent with a child on her team came up to her after the next two games were won and told her the same thing.

They emerged from pool play in first place with only the single loss. I've never seen them play so well! The tournament started out with two more solid wins and then they headed for the final match. We had watch the Rush team play another team and I was not confident that we had a chance with them. Their girls were much taller and they actually knew how to block.

Surprisingly, our girls won the first game and then lost the second one. That put them in a 3rd game to 15 to decide the championship. Right before the match started, I told Scout if she would bring home the medal, I would give her $10. Since she is a little broke right now, she flippantly responded, "We got this!" and headed off to join her friends.

That final game was a see-saw until they got to 10. Then GSL pulled out and never looked back. At 13, Scout came up to serve and dropped an ace right down the line. Our girls were so excited and the other team so devastated that Game Point was not even returned although Club Rush did managed to give it a feeble attempt.

At the beginning of the season, I would never have guessed these girls would be the ones to bring home the medals. Scout, I hope you always remember this very important lesson; one voice really can make a difference. So proud of you! Here's your $10...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Scout and your team too. I loved the details of the game and how it all turned out. You should be proud of this daughter who rallied the team into the win. Congratulations to all! It sounds like a great moment of time.
    Blessings and hugs!
