
Apr 29, 2019

April Birthdays

Tonight we celebrated our one and only April birthday... Twiz. Our kitchen remodel is nearly finished, and we finally had ovens so my sweetie cooked the prime rib we had planned for Easter Sunday.

The Beast told me he was too tall to fit in the frame... I guess he was right.

The food was delicious, the birthday boy gracious, and we had a great time watching the video Drama Queen prepared full of birthday wishes for Twiz.

This was my favorite part. Just one of the many perks of being the Grandma...

1 comment:

  1. The last photo really does show the precious moments that we grandma's treasure.
    I liked the sound of your birthday celebration for Twiz; especially the food sounded yummy. Happy Birthday for Twiz.
    Have a sweet week!
    Blessings and hugs!
