
Feb 1, 2019

Looking Forward to Grandparents' Day

Baby Doll is a 2nd grader now and one of our favorite activities of that age is Grandparents' Day. It hasn't always been easy for us. Before Grandpa lived right in our home, it was a huge ordeal to get pictures. I remember when Drama Queen was a 2nd grader and the pics had to be made into slides.

That meant we had to either buy an entire roll of slide film and then waste the whole thing (since we didn't have a slide projector) except the pic we needed or else we had to buy a roll of regular film. Not that either one didn't require a trip across town for developing and then a couple of weeks' time so I couldn't put it off until the last minute like I did this time.

My personal favorite.

Other than the fact that Grandpa was in Iowa for a week, we simply had to pose them in an appropriate spot and snap a pic on my camera. I didn't even have to download it! I sent the one I liked directly to the teacher and the stress is over. Just like that (snaps fingers). Prima Donna showed me how to add stage directions so you know exactly what I mean...

...or I could just make a quick little video of me snapping my fingers...

1 comment:

  1. This does look like such a great day. I like the thought of Grandparent’s Day. I’m happy you got such awesome photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
