
Jan 30, 2019

So Much Drama

We attended our last Pack Meeting as parents of a cub scout. Curly earned all 27 Webelos pins and several patches to go along with them. I didn't get a chance to snap a pic while we were there, so I made sure to take one of the awards when we got home.

I've been pretty wrapped up in getting the cookie order ready since I have to submit it by 10:00 tomorrow night. I finally got all the order forms from the other girls, so now it is just time to do lots and lots of counting and cross checking before I enter them into the computer.

I didn't have any grandbabies today so I got a bunch of errands done. Hopefully I won't have much chasing around for the rest of the week. Grandpa finally got home from Iowa. He said the chill factor there was NEGATIVE 55 DEGREES!!! That is SO cold! It's no wonder he was in a hurry to get home. His flight was actually delayed in Denver and instead of arriving at 1:00, my sweetie picked him up up after 4:00.

It doesn't appear that Puppy Lover is planning to return to us this time. Dog Walker is pretty upset, but each day becomes a little easier. I guess at some point we will have to do something officially, but for now, we just wait. He took off his ring the day she left and he hasn't put it back on since.

So much drama at my house... and that's only about half of the things I could have told you...

Do you sometimes feel like you live in a soap opera?

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