
Dec 25, 2018

Christmas Eve

It's been a long time since I have had all my wrapping and prepping finished before Christmas Eve and I really should do it every year. I love being able to spend time with the kids making memories like our impromptu volleyball game this afternoon at the church.

Or Sport's sudden decision to dress up as Santa for his final deliveries.

And Crafty made the cutest little (albeit reluctant) elf...

We had lots of time for Drama Queen's sweet devotional and then opening the first gifts of Christmas which for us are always pajamas.

The kids watched a Christmas movie while the Dog Walker made cookies for Santa. A quick peek after the jolly old elf's visit reminded us how blessed we are with abundance and love.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
May all your days be merry and bright. 💝

1 comment:

  1. I love all the fun Christmas photos. I too had everything finished earlier than usual so we were able to enjoy more fun moments with the dear family that lives with us. It's been a great Christmas and I hope for you to have a fabulous week before the New Year.
    Blessings and hugs!
