
Dec 27, 2018

Christmas Day 2018

Now that I have had a day to recover, I'm excited to tell you about our Christmas day. It started later than usual with the kids finally convincing my sweetie and me to drag ourselves out of bed just after 8:00. (You think that's late, but Grandpa didn't emerge until about 10:00! He barely missed the festivities - but not breakfast - and managed to witness one of my favorite holiday traditions, the Christmas morning nap.)

+I slept for about 3 hours! I hadn't realized I was so tired, but I was hardly missed since the kids were spoiled as usual and they had plenty to keep them occupied. Crafty and Drama Queen both enjoyed the benefits of being an adult and receiving all of the "grown-up gifts" as well as some clothes and goodies.

My turn to play Santa...
 Sport received clothes and a new basketball as well as a hard drive for his computer. Scout and Baby Doll both got clothes and sewing machines (I guess it's time...) and Curly got a cool robotics kit, a Broncos football, and clothes, including a new puffer coat.
A real studio jacket for Baby Doll!

We left the giant gifts in the middle of the room to be opened later (we are pretty good at driving the kids nuts once a year), but they eventually proved to be a soccer table that has kept the kids pretty busy including a tournament today.

Princess and The Frog showed up with Tadpole about 4:00 and they opened their gifts, played games, and helped make dinner.

Beauty and The Beast brought Little Warrior to open his gifts about the time Dog Walker and Puppy Lover got back from visiting with her parents.

Bossy and Gamer and their kids came in, and Drama Queen and Baby Doll headed out to pick up Prima Donna. Then except for Teach, Twizlett, and Twiz, we were all here. (They are in New Jersey visiting with his folks.)

My sweetie made us an amazing Prime Rib dinner and many hands got the food to the table, eaten, and then cleaned back up. After the last of the gifts were opened, the kids drifted away and my sweetie and I went upstairs to watch TV while the kids hung back to play with the soccer table and some other games.

It was a magical Christmas (not without drama), but happy none-the-less.  Thank goodness we all have the Savior, repentance, and forgiveness.

I hope things worked out at your house too.

Merry Christmas!!


  1. It looks like you had a lovely family Christmas and I enjoyed reading about it. I loved the photos and a favorite is the one with all the kids on the stairs. It does look like you had a super good Christmas opeing of gifts and a wonderful dinner.
    Wishing for you a wonderful New Year too!
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Loved your pictures! Glad you all had a great day! Merry Christmas!
