
Nov 14, 2018

Tadpole's First Haircut

Today was a special day. Princess had something to do in town so she drove the hour up here and I got to babysit Tadpole for the first time. At family parties, he hasn't been all that excited to see me, but today he was perfectly content to play with toys and read books until his mama got back.

Two of my favorite guys
Princess was meeting Drama Queen after work to go to Ikea and needed to kill an hour, so I offered to help give Tadpole his first haircut. After getting the go-ahead from daddy, we proceeded to take some pics and then he sat nervously on my lap while Princess made the first couple of cuts.

A little nervous
Just finish already!

So traumatic!
Then we moved Tadpole to her lap and I finished him up. He looked cute as ever! Then I offered to cut Princess's hair and she was thrilled for a trim. It turned out to be a little more than that, but she was very pleased with the results. (It seems I'm not the only one with breakage during pregnancy...)

I loved spending the afternoon with my sweet daughter. She is such a good mom and I'm so proud of her. Tomorrow is the big gender reveal! So much excitement!

All done!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like such a fun moments with Grandchildren and your sweet daughter. How brave to give a haircut but then I’m sure you are very experienced. Loved the photos and I will look forward to reading about the gender reveal!
    Big hugs for all~
