
Nov 16, 2018

Are You as Busy as I Am?

This week has been absolutely exhausting!

Today was no different. I got up early after going to bed late. I helped get the kids off, took a shower and set off to run the same errands I've been running all week.... hanging posters in the schools for our Nutcracker coming up.

I had 11 posters left to do from a stack of 40 extras, but I only hung 5 even though I visited about 10 schools in my 2 hours out and about. I also dropped some papers at the middle school and Grandpa's shirts at the cleaners. It was 10:58 when I pulled in for my 11:00 drop dead time, but Twiz was already here with Twizlet.

After getting her some pears and cottage cheese, I took 10 minutes to breathe, and then I headed for the craft room. I had 6 blankets that had to be embroidered, clipped, and bags stuffed for our cute cheerleaders before the 6:00 football banquet for Curly.

It was slow going, but got even slower when Skittles showed up about 12:30. He was not having a good day, and even holding him nonstop didn't make a difference, but it did matter to my embroidery machine... I finally put him down and made a little progress. This pattern required 5 thread changes and lots of clipping.

At 3:15, Bossy showed up and then we were able to get things moving. She was joined by Drama Queen so they could clip for me and help stuff the bags. At 5:50, I sent my sweetie and Curly out the door without me. I still had one blanket to go. Drama Queen was still helping me every step of the way.

At 7:15, I finally pulled out of the driveway. Six darling bags were in a larger one and ready to be delivered. The kids loved them and since things were so crazy, there aren't any pics, but after I get the one done for Baby Doll tomorrow, I'm put it up for you.

Someone said, "You're amazing!"
I said, "No, if I were, I wouldn't have been over an hour late."

Happy Friday! Hopefully it will be just a bit easier...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my dear late or not, you are amazing! What a day of acitivites and you still got it all done. How you do it all; I do not know.
    You are indeed a marvelous woman, mother and wife!
    Big hugs for you!!
