
Nov 1, 2018

Happy Halloween!!

Another crazy day of fun started with the Halloween parade at the elementary school. Twizlet joined my sweetie and I to watch just Curly and Baby Doll now. I can't believe our family is almost all grown up. So grown up in fact, that our two youngest wouldn't even pose for the camera, but Twizlet was happy to take a selfie with me that we were able to forward to her mommy and daddy.

When the parade was over, my sweetie headed out for work and after Twizlet fell asleep, I left her with Dog Walker while I ran to the grocery store. While I was gone, Gamer dropped off Skittles and not long afterward, the Dog Walker helped me get all the groceries in the house, and then he headed off to work, leaving me alone with the two babies.

We left the house about 2:30 to pick up Curly and Baby Doll from school. Then we met up with Bean Dip and Bossy and the bunch of us went to Drama Queen's work for a Halloween party. The kids loved it! There were treats everywhere and plenty of food and games. The only problem was getting home on the freeway in the rush hour traffic. Thank goodness Bossy was driving!

Back at the house, my sweetie had started the Navajo tacos and the kids were anxious to hit the streets even though it was cold. Beauty and The Beast stopped by with Little Warrior (who is about to be a big brother, by the way!!) Teach and Twiz, Bossy and Gamer and their families. Almost everyone was here!

Princess even sent us this cute pic of Tadpole and The Frog. And I spent over an hour on the phone with Prima Donna, so we heard from nearly everyone. The kids went to bed full of sugar and too much fun, and just to make this day nearly perfect, the Dog Walker's cute wife is feeling well enough to come back home with us. Thank you for all of your prayers and love.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, another fantastic Halloween Celebration for your family. I loved all the fun photos and the fun things you all did. I love how your family comes together. Super happy that Dog Walker and Cat Lover are back.
    Your grandbabies are adorable. Love it all!
    Blessings and hugs for all!
