
Oct 31, 2018

Just Another Manic Monday

Halloween is here and we have been celebrating all week in one way or another. On Monday we took the kids to the Trunk or Treat at Macey's right after dance. They do a great job every year! I even succumbed to some of their 50-cent hot dogs so I didn't have to make dinner which was nice since I had Skittles to tend all day.

Then we headed over to the party at the Community Center. Sport was helping out with the games there and we had lots of fun earning candy for silly things like balancing a sort of football on your head. Right, Teach?

I think Teach was way more excited about the live animal exhibit and the tortoise than Twizlet.

The sack race was absolutely my most favorite! It's amazing what my kids will do for a piece of candy.

We headed out of the building to see this beautiful sunset. Honestly, the pic doesn't do it justice. It almost made us late for Scout's concert! But we managed to get there in time. These beginning band concerts are brutal, and Scout's teacher didn't make it any easier.

We got home about 8:00 and settled in for FHE. We finished our clipcharts (I will have to show you more of those later. We are hopeful that we can improve obedience around here with them.) and I hung them up today in the kitchen; right in plain view.

Scout tried out for the Club Volleyball team at Sports City and she was assured that she would be put on a team. Her good works have also earned her a 4.0 and her very first cell phone. She finally got it today and I don't think the smile has left her face since.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Scout looks very happy about the new cell phone. You do manage to make celebrating a bigger event with lots of fun things to do as a family and then mix some sports in between. Still can't figure out how you do it all.
    Blessings and hugs!
