
Oct 22, 2018

Love My Floors

The floors are beautiful!

Dog Walker and I moved the furniture back this morning except that I need to buy some baby socks to put on the chairs before they can return. They actually put the most gouges into the finish. If someone has a better answer than the baby socks, I would love to hear it! The little felt pads just fall off without something to hold them on.

So shiny!

Kids are back in school, football is almost over, and it is time to settle into the groove of real life again. Whatever that means.

Baby Doll's birthday party tomorrow will have to take the top priority for the rest of the day, including making cupcakes and getting the rest of the house in order. I still have piles of laundry and Scout has her bags from two trips to take out of my family room.

I'm glad I got all of her party favors done last week! Teach played a bunch of games with her class last week before break and she sent me the link and also promised that she and Twiz would be here to help me. That is a huge relief for me!

I guess I need to restock the fridge. Can you believe those kids of mine want to eat every day?

1 comment:

  1. Let's see a normal life for you! Maybe slow down a tad; that would be good. Love your floors; beautiful. Have fun doing Baby Dolls Birthday party! Hugs~
