
Oct 21, 2018

Last Day of Our Stay-cation

Today was quite a bit less eventful than yesterday. We spent the morning in the hotel, preparing for the day.  Crafty and Sport left for work about 9:00 (both of them are officials for Flag Football at the local rec center). Curly and Baby Doll didn't have to be at the fields until 12:15, so we had a little extra time so my sweetie took the kids to the pool until it was time to go.

Pics of our little cheerleader this time.

We stopped by the house and reloaded the car with chairs and game stuff. This is the last game of the season for Little League football and then next week begins the playoffs. Our boys were playing Herriman today and they lost a tear-jerker by one point.

The game didn't really matter much since they are going in as the 2nd and 3rd seed which also means they will play each other again next week. We grabbed a quick burger after the game and back at the hotel, almost everyone wanted to take a nap.

At 6:30, we headed for Drama Queen's house for her weekly movie night. The kids were excited to watch Hocus Pocus and we were excited to feed them tacos rather than taking them out again. Bossy's and Teach's families joined us and it was pretty crowded, but fun.

We got back to the hotel about 9:30 and Scout, Curly, and Baby Doll all wanted to swim one last time so I took them down to the pool. I didn't get in this time, so I was able to get some cute pics of them in their antics. They played catch with my socks and played the diving game with one of the spare thimbles from my stitching bag.

We came back upstairs at 11:00, had scriptures and sent the girls back to their room. Then we watched another movie here before the guys all sacked out on me. It's been so much fun to be together and slip away from most of the worries of the world, but I have to admit that I will be glad to put my house back in order before we have all Baby Doll's friends over for her birthday party on Tuesday.

Never a dull moment...

1 comment:

  1. Your final day does look like a great moment of time. I loved that just stayed local and did so many fun things. We used to do that when we lived in Las Vegas. It was a fun way to get away but not too far.
    Blessings and hugs!
